Acupuncture Treatments for Pain

Acupuncture For Back Pain

Acupuncture for Back Pain According to Traditional Chinese Medicine all pain is due the blockage of the flow of blood, acupuncture can remove the blockage and increase the blood flow and eliminate the root cause of the pain.
For most of acute pain, acupuncture relieves pain in about five minutes, this is much quicker than most pain killers. The response of the body to acupuncture for chronic pain may take a little longer.

We treat pain with a number of devices including Electromagnetic Acupuncture and Heat Therapy which can vary the intensity of the treatment according to your needs.

In the case of severe disc trauma, acupuncture can be very useful when physical manipulation through chiropractic care is too painful or undesirable by the patient.

Here, Acupuncture can provide a very gentle but highly effective treatment. The Harmony Clinic has extensive experience of treating both Lumbar, Thoracic and Sacral back pain.

Acupuncture For Neck Pain

Neck pain is a very common complaint in the clinic and it often refers to pain in the upper back and shoulders as well. Side effects of neck pain can include dizziness and headaches.

Neck pain can have a variety of causes, muscle fatigue, locking of the joints in the neck, stiffness and limited range of motion. It can also be caused by a sudden force (car accident), or a medical condition (swelling, disease, tumours, bleeding, inflammation, etc).

Some neck pain can also cause headaches and/or dizziness.  Acupuncture is highly effective at treating neck pain no matter what the cause. Acupuncture will reduce inflammation which in turn will reduce pain and increase movement. 

Acupuncture is also a “non-invasive” procedure on the neck as it does not physically manipulate the vertebrae and it gets great results. Neck pain is predominantly treated with acupuncture, electro-acupuncture and in some instances heat lamps and results are very positive.

Here at Harmony Acupuncture we have great success treating neck pain.

Book Appointment here

Appointment Request Form

When Booking Appointments please remember:

  • Please use the form or contact the clinic by text to 0872366155 or email only.  Please do not use Whats App or Facebook or Instagram messages looking for appointments because we are unable to keep track of all media.

  • If the clinic has not responded to your query within three working days please send it again as sometimes we are overwhelmed with enquiries.

  • The clinic is very busy and some appointment times are booked weeks in advance and are difficult to come by;

  • If you do not show up to an appointment you might have to wait for a prolonged period of time to get a new appointment

  • If you cancel an appointment within 48 hours a 50% cancellation charge applies, if it is within 24 hours 100% cancellation fee applies.  However, we will endeavour to fill the slot if possible.

  • All new clients must be seen in the mornings – pre 2pm.  New clients will not be able to get an evening slot until after their consultations.

  • The clinic does not open on weekends or Friday afternoons

  • For Nutritional Consultations please send back your paperwork three working days prior to your appointment.